ABOUT | 康悅翎 (語騫)

康 悅 翎 妙 韻 菊 花 花 語 --
愛 的 療 癒 音 樂

Music Therapy is the clinical & evidence-based use of music interventions to accomplish a therapeutic. Music therapy interventions can address a variety of healthcare issues... Such as promoting wellness, managing stress, alleviating pain, expressing feelings, enhancing memory, improving communication, and physical Rehabilitation...
Harmony Kang is a music therapy composer and musicologist, her spiritual program (soul plan) transpires from overcoming spiritual pain, witnessing the darkness and vulnerabilities of humanity, and experiencing the most authentic and deepest emotions to produce these moving melodies; Opening humanity’s darkest fear and losing all sense of direction or value which led to demolition and destruction of mankind; using the most depressive melodies to awaken humankind’s deepest meaning; preserving the wealth of humanitarian and utmost wisdom and spiritual intelligence.
簡 歷 / 認 証
Awarded the Ambassador of Peace by the Universal Peace Federation 全球和平聯盟和平大使
2009 Fitness and Health Pro of ANMA 美國自然醫學會台灣分會保健師
2012 Master level of Usui Reiki and Karuna Reiki 臼井、卡魯那靈氣 -大師級
2019 Diploma in psychological counsel from TQUK TQUK 英國心理諮商師 certificate of appreciation 大愛行善團 感謝狀
2011 European Institute of Applied Buddhism retreat ‘I Have Arrived, I Am Home’ Certificate of Course Completion 歐洲應用佛學院 靜修證書
2012 Focus on the Familly, Taiwan Journey to Intimacy, Level I 財團法人愛家文化事業基金會—初階帶領人培訓課程證書
2013 台灣舞蹈治療研究協會—舞蹈治療入門課程證書
2013 certificate of appreciation from Family Federation for World Peace and Unification 世界和平統一家庭聯合會 感謝狀
2013 禪之藝 心靈工坊 感謝狀 Certificate of appreciation
2014 社會法人炬輪技藝發展協會 感謝狀 Certificate of appreciation from Julian association
2015 荒野保護協會 感謝狀 Certificate of appreciation from The society of wilderness
2016 Asian Music Therapy Confederation Music Therapy Methods & Approaches in Clinical Practice course certificate 亞洲音樂治療聯盟—音樂治療方法臨床實踐和途徑培訓結業證書
2016 Coalition of Visionary Resources (COVR) Meditation Music Finalist 冥想音樂比賽入圍(美國知名心靈音樂比賽)
2017 敦煌能量舞師資培訓專研班結業證書 Certificate of Course Completion
2019 University of Florida Healing with the Arts course certificate 佛羅里達大學藝術治療課程結業證書
2019 台灣藝術治療協會(Taiwan Art Therapy Association)—台灣藝術治療學會工作坊-影像、藝術和治療:表達性智慧的吸引(初階班)證書 Art therapy course certificate
2019 School of Continuing Education, National Taiwan Normal University Certificate of Course Completion
The therapeutic components of playing with slime-Multilayered art therapy theories 國立臺灣師範大學—藝術治療師眼中的史萊姆-多元生態取向之藝術治療藝術治療課程證書
2020 臺灣眼動減敏與歷程更新治療學會—EMDR主題推廣教育訓練課程證書 Certificate of Course Completion
2020 華人創傷知情團隊—創傷知情與復工作坊初階研習證書 Certificate of Course Completion
2020 國立台灣藝術大學—兒童藝術治療工作坊推廣教育研習證明 Certificate of Course Completion